You can expect this whole site to be less functional than it was while I convert it to the new setup.
OMFG! WTF is wrong with this country? I saw this ad on TV
the other day about how 911 left 3500 dead, and *every month* ALCOHOL leaves 8000 dead, so we should declare war on it.
My parents lived through the freak era of prohibition, and they can
tell you what idiocy that brought forth on this nation. Things
such as organised crime. Is that where this add is going?
Wouldn't it be great for some ultra right religious fucks to take us
back to the bad old days of smuggling and machine gun fights? I
know most people are way too dumb to remember anything more than about
10 days ago, but some of us out here remember back a little
farther. I "remember" how prohibition didn't work. It's the
biggest reason I stand for the de-criminaliztion of so-called illicit
drugs. If we want to limit the spread of such things try education.
If people know what the truth is about something (good as well as bad)
they can choose whether to do it. If they die because they do it
in spite of the risks then oh, well. Darwin. But spending
Billions of dollars putting the populace in jail is a dumb idea.
Dumb in the 20s and 30s. Dumb now. Dumb in the
future. Why haven't we declared war on old age? It kills
8,000,000 people per month. I could go on and on about things
that kill thousands each month. That's the thing about statistics
and 6 BILLION people on the earth. A lot of things kill thousands
every month. I'm sure malaria, hunger, war, AIDS, the flu, car
wrecks, heart disease, ladders, water, heat, cold, tse tse, very small
rocks, churches, and about 10,000 other things all kill thousands each
month. I guess what I'm trying to say here is "don't respond to
emotional hand waving when someone is trying to trick you into changing
the world. THINK FOR YOURSELF. Analyse information.
Don't be a lamb. You're a fucking human. Act like one.
finally got tired of the old page that was here. That page pretty
much dated from sometime in the mid 90s. Perhaps the new version
will be better.
Get your A.C.M.E. Weapons
of Mass Destruction!
Why does the word Guantanamo remind me so much of the word
Gestapo? Oh, yeah! Because the place is run by Nazis. Just a thought that occured to me while watching Dr.
Chomsky lecture at MIT. College towns have neat local TV.