Read the resolution by Sheriff Tony DeMeo _ Nye County, Nevada.

Would the sheriff in your county take the same stance?  Try taking a moment and asking them.
Sheriff Tony DeMeo _ Nye County, Nevada

Sheriff Tony DeMeo _ Nye County, Nevada

Whereas: On the fifth of May, 2011 in the United States of America in the Sovereign State of Arizona in the City of Tucson Marine Veteran Jose Guerena was shot dead in his home by Constitutionally arming himself, as he was trained to do, to protect himself and his family from masked men busting down his front door.    and

Whereas: The Pima County Arizona Sheriff's Department under the control of Sheriff Dupnik, dispatched the Pima County SWAT team to serve a search warrant upon the residence of Marine Veteran Jose Guerena.     and

Whereas: Waking from a dead sleep Jose Guerena  attempted to answer the yelling at his front door within the allotted 20 seconds or the door comes down, Jose Guerena, with his rifle at his side, was ready to defend his home against unknown masked persons who showed themselves to his wife as they ran past a window.   The SWAT team entered and shot the Marine Veteran 61 times.

Whereas: It is the policy of the Pima County Sheriff's SWAT team to execute search warrants in this manner where the homeowner or person residing therein is known to be Constitutionally in possession of legal firearms. (Federalist papers  28, 29 and 46)

Be it Known: This incident is in clear violation of the Bill of Rights, amendments II, III IV, V, VI and VIII. to the Constitution of the United States of America where every citizen has the inalienable right to keep and bear arms to protect himself against Government  tyranny or a criminal threat to his person, home or family.

Be it further known: The Oath Keepers of Pahrump Nevada are conducting this special memorial ceremony in honor of a United States Marine Veteran, Jose Guerena, who died at the hands of sworn Police Officers who violated their oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America by not protecting and defending a Constitutionally armed citizen of the United States of America.

Be it resolved: The Oath Keepers of Pahrump Nevada do hereby stand united against illegal Government actions in violation of the Constitution of the United States of America and that the Sheriff of Nye County Nevada, Tony DeMeo, is urged to not use the force of SWAT in search warrants on people with no criminal or violent records, trained American gun owners, Veterans, former  Police Officers or other Constitutionally  armed citizens unless there is sufficient cause to believe the lives of Officers or others may be in jeopardy.

Be it further resolved: That we, the below signed, believe every sworn Deputy Sheriff, Highway Patrolman, Probation Officer or Court Officer of Nye County should undertake to read and study the Constitution of the United States of America and to read and study the Federalist Papers, the primary source of Supreme Court Constitutional information, particularly papers 28, 29 and 46 that preceded the writing of the Constitution so that they might never find themselves in the position of taking up arms against the very peoples they have sworn to protect and defend.

Signed this 30th day of May in the year of our Lord 2011:

___________________________     ___________________________

Lt. Donald Charleboix  Ret.

Las Vegas Metro Police Department

U.S. Air Force veteran